Heart diseases

Sunday 23 August 2015

What is stroke?

 Answer the following questions 
- Can you smile normally?
- Can you move your arms, hands and legs?
- Can you speak clearly and understand others?
If so, congratulations, you are a healthy person.
If not, then, you have to visit your doctor because you may have a stroke.
• What is stroke?
A stroke ( sometimes called brain attack ) is a sudden disability or loss of consciousness in the brain. It is a form of cardiovascular diseases that affects the blood flow to the brain. According to American Heart Association(2011), stroke is the third largest killer in the United States.
In fact, stroke is not a simple disease as you may think. This attack can kill suddenly kill you without suffering from any previous pain as it really did with my sister three years ago.
• Types of stroke 
There are two main types of stroke :
1- An ischemic stroke : it happens when the arteries that provide the brain with oxygen and nutrients get blocked as a result of a build up of fatty materials.
2- A hemispheric stroke: this type of stroke  is less common and it happens when the brain arteries break and bleed into the brain.
• Symptoms of stroke 
- Weakness in the arms, face and/or legs on one side or both.
- vision disabilities. 
- Difficulties speaking and understanding spoken speech.
- Sudden headache and/or confusion without known cause.
• Stroke risk factors 
Stroke risk factors are the same for all cardiovascular diseases. You can read the previous lesson " cardiovascular disease"

American Heart Association. heart disease and stroke statistics—2011 update. Dallas, Texas 

Monday 10 August 2015

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Do you know the world's largest killer?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) refers to any condition affecting the heart and the circulatory system including blood, blood vessels, lymph and lymphatic vessels. According to World Health Organization (WHO), CVD is the leading cause of mortality around the world. About 30% of all global deaths is caused by CVD.

Types of CV

There are two main types of CVD :
1- Coronary heart diseases : they are conditions affecting the coronary arteries of the heart such as angina and heart attack.
2- Circulatory system diseases : they are conditions affecting the blood vessels such as stroke.

Risk factors for CVD 

1- tobacco use
2- high blood pressure
3- high cholesterol 
4- unhealthy diet
5- excessive use of drugs
6- physical inactivity
7- diabetes
8- being overweight or obesity
9- age
10- gender
11- family history
According to World Heart Federation (January, 2011) the last three factors are non-modifiable risk factors which means they can not be changed.

- World Health Organization. Regional office for Southeast Asia. Hypertension fact sheet ( April. 2012)
- World Heart Federation (January, 2011) 

Thursday 6 August 2015

Healthy Or Wealthy

If you have to choose, which one will you prefer? Healthy or wealthy

In fact, I have heard some people say, many of whom I believe spoke without think, " to be wealthy is the sole reason behind happiness and wealthiness.

Personally, I think that life is nothing without good health. Being physically and emotionally healthy is considered the leading cause of both happiness and harmony with people around us. I strongly believe in the common saying that "healthy person is really wealthy one.

In this blog, i am going to discuss all my medical knowledge as a researcher since six years in this field.